There was also another earthquake of sorts prior to the big one. Kathy went out and bought roller blades, not only roller blades but the helmet, knee pads, wrist protectors and elbow pads. The whole kit and caboodle. When my opinion was requested I did express concern over her safety and sanity. A fifty something year old body does not recuperate as it once did. I must admit that I was not as eloquent in
expressing my concerns at the time.

Things were going great until she tried to jump one of the speed bumps in the park. Kaboom, down she went. Nothing was hurt except her pride, that is until she tried to get up the next morning. She was hurting, big time. After three days of recuperation she wisely decided that Roller Blading was not for her. All that is left is the helmet and permanent bruise to her ego.
However, I am too much of a gentleman to say " I told you so." HeHe.
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